During Production Inspection (DPI) / Inline Production Inspection (IPI)

The During Production Inspection (DPI) / Inline Production Inspection (IPI) will take place during production process. This hepls to control the quality of products by fixing the sources of defect immediatly detected and is useful for any factory to imrove the productivity, reduce defects rates and reduce re-work and wasteges.

Its helps to meet the on-time shipments schedules and get ahead of possible problems that could affect the quality of goods.

We Inspect the Semi Finished & Finished Goods thoroughly according to the requirements & advise factory on corrective action Plans to ensure that the Quality of the Product is maintained throughout the production Phase to avoid any shortcomings at the final or at a later Stage.

What We Do

We inspect Product appearance, workmanship quality, size, weight check, functionality assortment, accessories, labeling & logos, packaging, packing and other tests and special requirements that depends on the product& as customer requirement.


The report of the during production inspection mentioned with the findings of all aspects of product quality in a details manner help customer to view the product standards from their place instead of travelling or visiting the manufacturing country / locations to take decisions of shipment.

For During Production Inspection (DPI)

Call @ 09837097100
Email @ info@iqsinspections.in

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